After getting injured in a slip and fall accident in your apartment complex or rented home, you may become overwhelmed with hospital bills or lost wages. New Jersey victims should know that, often, they can sue their landlords for slip and fall accidents.

In order to sue a landlord, a New Jersey renter must be able to prove a landlord’s negligence. When injuries happen in common areas, like stairwells, victims can often file a lawsuit against their landlords. That being said, after sustaining an injury, victims should act wisely. Take photos, file a report, and seek medical attention. After hiring an attorney, New Jersey renters can file a slip and fall accident lawsuit against their landlord and recover substantial compensatory damages.

Our attorneys are here to help you stand up to your negligent landlord after a slip and fall accident. For a free case evaluation with the New Jersey slip and fall accident lawyers at Legal Care, call us today at (732) 838-9769.

When Can You Sue a Landlord for a Slip and Fall in New Jersey?

Your home should be a place of safety and comfort and note the site of a damaging slip and fall accident. If you were injured in an apartment building or your rented home, you may be able to file a lawsuit against your landlord in New Jersey. That being said, your New Jersey landlord will only be held liable in certain scenarios.

For New Jersey renters to successfully sue their landlords for compensatory damages, their attorneys must be able to prove a landlord’s negligence. The fact that you slipped and were injured on a landlord’s property doesn’t automatically mean your landlord was negligent. However, if your landlord knew of unsafe conditions and did not fix them in a timely fashion, they could be held liable.

Let’s examine some scenarios where you could sue your landlord for compensation after a slip and fall accident in New Jersey. In some cases, renters can file a lawsuit for injuries sustained in their apartment units or rented homes. Suppose there was a leak in your apartment, and you informed your landlord. If your landlord then ignored a maintenance request, causing you to slip on leaking water, you may be able to file a lawsuit.

Or suppose that you informed your landlord of a broken sidewalk on their property. If you then tripped on the broken sidewalk and sustained injuries, you may be able to sue for compensatory damages.

Injuries in common areas of a rental, like stairwells or laundry rooms, are often easier to litigate than injuries sustained inside of a home. Unlike your individual unit, landlords are often required to maintain common areas without receiving notice of dangers from tenants. If a landlord’s negligence resulted in an unfixed floorboard or railing which caused you injury, you could likely file a lawsuit in New Jersey.

If you’re unsure whether or not you can sue your landlord, speak to our Jersey City personal injury lawyers. Chances are your landlord’s negligence contributed to your injuries, and you can recover compensatory damages in a lawsuit.

Building a Strong Slip and Fall Case Against a Landlord in New Jersey

Depending on the case, it can be difficult to prove fault in a New Jersey slip and fall accident lawsuit against a landlord. Getting successfully sued by a tenant can tarnish a landlord’s reputation, which they certainly want to avoid. Because of that, New Jersey renters need to learn what they can do to support their claims against negligent landlords.

After a slip and fall accident at your rental, it’s wise to call a New Jersey slip and fall accident lawyer. Our attorneys can compile the necessary evidence to prove a landlord’s negligence and help you recover sufficient compensatory damages.

In addition to hiring an experienced lawyer, New Jersey slip and fall accident victims can take several steps to support their future claim. Immediately after sustaining your injuries, take photos of the area. These photos can be invaluable in showing a landlord’s negligence.

Next, ask for eyewitnesses’ contact information if there are any witnesses to your injury. Your attorney can contact eyewitnesses in the future to corroborate your claims against a negligent landlord.

Afterward, seek immediate medical attention. It’s necessary for a doctor to attest to your injuries and their likely cause right after an accident. Your medical records can be crucial during a lawsuit against a New Jersey landlord.

After you contact an attorney, or if your injuries permit you, file an official incident report with your landlord. Your landlord may offer such a form, or you may have to write one up yourself with help from your lawyer. It’s important to document your injuries on paper and inform your landlord of their negligence.

If you have any correspondence with your landlord showing that you asked them to address a poorly maintained area, and they refused, causing you injury, be sure to show that to your attorney. Any evidence of a landlord’s negligence or carelessness can help support your claim.

Should You File a Slip and Fall Lawsuit Against a New Jersey Landlord?

If you were injured in a slip and fall accident caused by a negligent landlord, you might be hesitant to sue. It can be uncomfortable to file a lawsuit against someone you know, especially when they own the property you live on. That being said, victims should almost always file a lawsuit against a negligent party responsible for their injuries.

There’s no reason you should be financially responsible for injuries caused by another party. If your landlord’s negligence contributed to your slip and fall accident, you should file a lawsuit. Doing so quickly is crucial since the statute of limitations for these types of claims in New Jersey is just two years.

Suing your landlord might be awkward and uncomfortable, but our New Jersey personal injury lawyers are here to guide you through litigation. Our attorneys can represent your interests and recover substantial damages during a lawsuit against a negligent landlord, compensating you for the financial and emotional impact of a slip and fall accident.

Call Our Attorneys after a Slip and Fall Accident in New Jersey

If a landlord’s negligence caused your injuries, our attorneys could help you file a lawsuit. For a free case evaluation with the Newark personal injury lawyers at Legal Care, call us today at (732) 838-9769.