Being injured in a construction accident can be overwhelming. When medical bills accrue and lost wages begin to affect your life, it might be time to sue. But how much can you really get in a construction accident case, and how can you be sure to receive the amount you deserve?

Calculating the amount that you’re entitled to in a construction accident case is pretty simple at first. To understand the base amount you’re likely to receive, add up your medical expenses and lost wages. From there, your attorney will have to determine adequate compensation for pain and suffering. Of course, preparation on your end is important to hopefully receive the damages you’re entitled to in a construction accident case.

The construction accident attorneys at Legal Care strive to get victims the damages they deserve. Our lawyers can fight for your interests so that your expenses and lost wages are compensated. For a free consultation, call the New Jersey construction accident attorneys at Legal Care today at (732) 838-9769.

How Much Are You Entitled to for a Construction Accident Case?

The amount of damages you’re entitled to in a construction accident depends on several factors. If you file a lawsuit, your injuries, lost wages, medical bills, and pain and suffering will be considered to determine the amount you’re entitled to. Of course, the final number varies case by case.

Medical Expenses

Whether your case goes to court or is settled, multiple factors will be considered to determine damages. The baseline amount of damages you receive will be to cover your medical expenses. Construction accidents are especially dangerous. Injuries sustained from a construction accident can result in expensive medical bills that can be challenging to overcome. To begin calculating the amount of damages you’ll receive from a construction accident case, compile your medical bills and add them up.

Depending on the severity of your injuries, you may require sustained medical care. In that case, the construction accident attorneys at Legal Care will strive to get you compensation for medical expenses you haven’t yet accrued. Because these types of accidents can greatly impact your life, damages will often reflect anticipated medical expenses as well.

Lost Wages

The next factor to consider is any loss of wages. When you’ve been injured in a construction accident, you’ll likely be out of work for a considerable time. Because loss of income is a direct result of an accident, it should be compensated for at the end of a lawsuit. It’s also possible that your injuries are severe enough to prevent you from returning to the same profession. If that’s the case, your potential lost wages will can also become part of the calculation.

Figuring out this number can be pretty simple. Just multiply your daily wage by the days of work you’ve missed. If you’re unable to work again, your lawyer will determine the years of lost wages that must be compensated and whether any raises or promotions should be accounted for. Lost wages are a crucial facet of the damages that you’re entitled to after a construction accident.

Pain and Suffering

Some damages are difficult to quantify. Depending on the severity of your injuries, the pain and suffering you’ve endured will be taken into account when determining damages. While this number is more difficult to pinpoint, the experienced construction accident attorneys at Legal Care will fight to make it sufficient. The amount of damages you receive for pain and suffering will vary from case to case.

Each construction accident case is different. These accidents often occur at work, and employees that sustain a work-related injury may be required to report it to their employer in the hope of receiving workers’ compensation benefits. However, some employees cannot sue their employers for injuries at work. Instead, they could sue third-party defendants responsible for their injuries. Independent contractors can often sue their clients even in states with workers’ compensation rules that would otherwise prevent this for employees. Since many construction workers are independent contractors, this might not cause any issues for your construction injury case.

How Do You Get the Damages You Are Entitled to for a Construction Accident Case?

The best way to get the damages you deserve in a construction accident case is to prepare. After you’ve sustained an injury, it’s important to report it to your employer if it happened at work. It would be best if you also visited a doctor as soon as possible. Next, hire an attorney you can trust to represent your interests.

Report Your Injury

Construction accidents often happen at work. Negligence on behalf of an employer can result in serious injury to a worker. Reporting your injury is important to substantiate your case. There needs to be a record of when, where, and how you were injured. By immediately reporting your injury to your employer, you can create a paper trail that helps validate your claims once you file a lawsuit.

Visit a Doctor

Seeking medical attention is necessary to help you get the damages you’re entitled to in a construction accident case. Having medical documentation of your injuries is crucial to the success of your case. A doctor can assess your injuries and prescribe the proper treatment, which is important for your case and your health. Visiting a doctor immediately after sustaining an injury in a construction accident can prove the severity of your injury and act as a record. These medical records can corroborate your claim, which is necessary for you to receive the damages you’re entitled to.

Hire an Attorney

Perhaps the most significant thing you can do to get the damages you deserve in a construction accident is hiring an experienced attorney. The construction accident attorneys at Legal Care are skilled in handling these cases. The right attorney will care about your case and strive to get you the damages you’re entitled to. The faster you hire an attorney, the better. For the success of your case, it’s best to file a lawsuit as quickly as possible. When you sue immediately, you’re able to receive compensation for your injuries much faster.

If You Were Injured in a Construction Accident Case, Our Attorneys Can Help

After a construction accident, it’s important to receive the damages you’re entitled to. For a free, confidential consultation, call the experienced New Jersey personal injury attorneys at Legal Care today at (732) 838-9769.