Car accidents, at best, are a major disruption to your life and, at worst, a detriment to your health. After a car accident, you might need medical attention, and you should call for help immediately.

You should get medical attention immediately after a car accident. Even if you do not feel badly injured, you should get to a hospital as soon as possible. Not only should you be examined by a doctor for injuries you might not be fully aware of, but you need accurate medical records for when you go to file an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. If you decide not to go to a hospital, you risk serious health complications and possible compensation in a lawsuit or insurance claim. If you were in a car accident and have not gone to a hospital, you should do so as soon as possible.

Car accidents can be dangerous, even deadly. You should seek emergency medical attention immediately after a crash. Call our New Jersey car accident lawyers about getting compensation for your medical costs. For a free case review, call Legal Care New Jersey at (732) 838-9769.

When to Get Medical Attention After a Car Accident in New Jersey

The best time to get medical attention after a car accident is immediately. An ambulance is often dispatched to the accident scene to take injured drivers and passengers to the nearest hospital. People sometimes hesitate to get emergency medical care because they fear the costs. However, you should not risk your health and well-being and go to the hospital immediately.

Not all accidents require an ambulance. Drivers can often exit their vehicles, walk about the scene, take photos, and speak to other drivers and law enforcement. Even if you do not believe your injuries require immediate or urgent care, you should get to a hospital sometime after the accident, preferably within a few hours at most.

You should still get medical attention even if your accident was minor. For example, suppose another driver hit your bumper while you were stopped at a stoplight. You might feel unharmed at first, but symptoms of whiplash or other injuries might not show up until later, and you should still get checked out just in case. Once you have seen a doctor, our Newark car accident attorneys can help you take action to get compensation for your injuries.

The Importance of Going to the Hospital After a Car Accident in New Jersey

There are a few important reasons why you should go to the hospital immediately after a car accident. First, you need to be checked out by a qualified physician for your health and well-being. Injuries are not always obvious or outwardly visible. Internal injuries can be extremely dangerous if left untreated. Second, you must begin compiling accurate medical records about your injuries to use when filing an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit.

The most significant reason for getting to a hospital as soon as possible after a car accident is to treat your injuries. People sometimes choose not to go to a hospital at first because they do not think they have any injuries, but in reality, they have internal injuries that only get worse until they get to a doctor.

Getting to a hospital immediately helps you create records of your injuries and treatment for insurance claims or lawsuits. When our Jersey City car accident attorneys go to help you begin a case against the other driver, we need records of your medical care. These records help establish the extent and severity of your injuries and inform the court about how much they cost.

What Happens if I Decide Not to Go to the Hospital After a Car Accident in New Jersey

You risk your health and potential financial compensation if you choose not to go to the hospital after a car accident. As stated above, you need medical records to help you establish damages and medical treatment to benefit your physical health. Opting out of medical care after a crash places both at serious risk.

Internal injuries are a serious risk in car accidents. Accident victims with no outwardly visible signs of injury have bled out because of unknown internal bleeding. You should absolutely get medical treatment immediately after a car accident. If you are worried about the costs of an emergency room visit, our New Jersey car accident lawyers can help you file a lawsuit against the other driver for compensation.

Foregoing medical treatment also means that your medical records are less accurate and might not be reliable in court. Your medical records are needed to establish damages. The sooner you get medical treatment, the more accurate your medical records will be. Waiting even a few days to get medical care might compromise the accuracy of your records and cost you valuable compensation.

Is it Too Late to Go to the Hospital After a Car Accident in New Jersey?

If you were in a car accident some time ago but never went to the hospital, you should get to a hospital as soon as you can. Whether your accident was a few days or weeks ago, you should still be examined by a doctor. Our Paterson car accident attorneys can help you file a lawsuit for damages after you have been to a doctor.

While your medical records might not be as accurate as we would like, they are still better than having no medical records. It might be incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to get compensation for your damages with no medical records to prove the existence of your injuries. Also, you need to get treatment for any injuries you might have sustained in the crash.

Depending on how long you wait to see a doctor and why, we might be able to explain your situation and salvage your case. For example, suppose you only waited a few days to see a doctor after your accident because you had no signs or symptoms of injury. We can explain this situation to a jury, and they may agree that your actions were not unreasonable.

Call Our New Jersey Car Accident Attorneys for a Free Case Review Now

If you recently had a car accident and have not yet been to a hospital, you need medical treatment immediately. Our Elizabeth, NJ car accident lawyers can help you use your medical records to prove your claims for damages in court. Call Legal Care New Jersey at (732) 838-9769 to schedule a free case evaluation.