It is surprisingly common for many types of injuries to show up days or weeks after an accident. Neck and back injuries are some of the most common injuries that are hard to notice right away. Other injuries might not hurt, but they later show up on an X-ray or during a checkup. If they were related to a car accident, it may be possible to still get compensation for them even if you didn’t notice the injuries until weeks later.

Even if you notice injuries immediately, you may not realize their full extent until some time has passed. In either case, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible if you intend to sue the other driver involved in a personal injury lawsuit. Having documented proof of your injuries from a medical professional can greatly help your case. When time passes between the accident and the discovery of the injury, it is harder to prove your case, but not impossible.

The experienced New Jersey car accident injury attorneys at Legal Care New Jersey are here for you. Our team can help you file a personal injury lawsuit, even if your injuries appeared several weeks after a car accident. For a free consultation, call the personal injury lawyers at Legal Care New Jersey today at (732) 838-9769.

What Should You Do if Your Injuries Show Up Weeks After a Car Accident?

After a car accident, some injuries might not be immediately apparent. Things like concussions and whiplash can take time to show. Suppose you notice injuries several weeks after a car accident. In that case, it’s important to visit a doctor right away, not only for your health but to help your case if you intend to file a personal injury lawsuit.

While you might have visited a doctor after a car accident, some injuries might not have been obvious. Car accidents can be traumatic, both physically and mentally. Adrenaline or shock may prevent you from feeling the full effect of injuries right away. So, several weeks after a car accident, you may realize that your injuries were more severe than you originally thought.

If that’s the case, you may decide to sue the other driver involved in the accident for damages. For your case to succeed, it’s important to see a medical professional as soon as you notice the injuries. Personal injury lawsuits are based on the extent of your injuries and how they affected you mentally, physically, and financially. Having documented proof of your injuries is crucial for the success of your case.

After you file a personal injury lawsuit, the defendant’s lawyer will likely ask for a copy of your medical files. If there’s nothing to back up your injury claims, the defendant’s attorney may have reason to fight against the case. That’s why it’s so important to visit a doctor as soon as possible after injuries show up after a car accident.

Can You Still Sue if Your Injuries Show Up Several Weeks After a Car Accident?

The short answer is yes. If your injuries present weeks after a car accident, you can still file a personal injury lawsuit against the other driver involved. However, it may be more difficult.

In cases where the injuries are obvious right after the accident, the process is a bit simpler. There, you would seek medical attention on the same day as the accident, and it would be obvious that the injuries were related to the crash. If you have to wait weeks before the injuries appear, it’s harder to link them to the crash.

The longer you wait to file a personal injury claim, the more difficult it can be to win. That’s because the defendant’s attorney could argue that your injuries were caused by something else that happened in the weeks after the accident. Most of the time, personal injury cases are centered around a plaintiff’s medical costs. If you can’t link your medical bills to the accident, the defendant’s insurance company might try to oppose the claim.

Your medical records are private, but a defendant’s lawyer can request them in personal injury lawsuits. If you don’t hand over your records, that can give the defendant’s lawyer more leverage to refute your claim. Thus, it’s important to have proof that a doctor has seen your injuries. Furthermore, an outline of the cost of treatment, prescriptions, potential surgeries, etc., can be helpful. Seeing a doctor as soon as you can once you notice injuries from a car accident can greatly help your case.

Filing a Car Accident Lawsuit in New Jersey After Time Has Passed

The personal injury attorneys at Legal Care New Jersey can help you file a lawsuit even if your injuries show up weeks after a car accident. There are limits for how long you have to file your case, but a few weeks of delay usually will not violate these deadlines.

When you want to file a personal injury lawsuit, it’s important to hire attorneys that are familiar with the statute of limitations in the state where the accident happened. In New Jersey, for example, the statute of limitations to file a personal injury lawsuit is two years from the accident. That’s not a large window of opportunity, but it does leave room for a few weeks to pass without blocking your case.

Promptly filing a personal injury claim can help you get potential settlement funds sooner rather than later. If you have expensive medical bills or can’t work because of your injury, getting compensation as soon as possible is ideal.

The car accident lawyers at Legal Care New Jersey understand the importance of your case. We believe that our clients should receive financial compensation following a car accident. Even when your injuries show up several weeks after a car accident, our personal injury attorneys can help you get the justice you deserve.

Our Attorneys Can Help if Your Injuries Show Up Several Weeks After a Car Accident

When you notice injuries related to a recent car accident, call the car accident lawyers at Legal Care. For a free consultation call today at (732) 838-9769.