If you’ve been injured in a car accident, you might want to file a personal injury lawsuit. If that’s the case, it’s time to hire a lawyer. Because the statute of limitations can vary from state to state, it can be hard to know how much time you have to hire a lawyer after a car accident. Regardless of where you live, getting the process started as quickly as possible can help your case.

In New Jersey, you have two years from the date of a car accident to file your case if you want to sue for compensation. That being said, if you were injured during a car accident and plan to sue, it’s best to hire a New Jersey car accident lawyer as soon as possible. That way, your attorney can file a lawsuit quickly to help you get the compensation you deserve. If you wait too long, you may lose your right to sue.

The New Jersey car accident attorneys at Legal Care New Jersey can help you fight for financial compensation after a car accident. If you were injured in a car accident, it’s best to hire an attorney as soon as you can. For a free consultation, call us today at (732) 838-9769.

How Long Do You Have to Hire a Lawyer After a Car Accident in New Jersey?

The statute of limitations for bringing a civil action against a person or business for injuries is two years in the State of New Jersey. That means that you’ll have to hire a lawyer well in advance of that deadline to get your case filed on time.

Before a lawyer agrees to take your case, they’ll most likely want to sit down with you to discuss details. After that, a lawyer may do some extra research into your potential case to understand its legitimacy. Firms may not accept your case if their caseload is high or if your particular case doesn’t align with their practice. Finding the right lawyer can take time, so it’s best to start the process promptly once you’ve decided to sue. Delaying hiring a lawyer could cause you to miss the window of opportunity to sue.

If your injuries change or worsen, let your attorney know. Your injury may require hospitalization, surgery, or prescriptions. Medical bills can add up quickly, so hiring an attorney as soon as possible can allow them to monitor your case and keep track of the costs so you know how much to sue for.

Personal injury lawyers exist to fight for your interests. The experienced personal injury lawyers at Legal Care New Jersey can help you get the compensation you deserve after a car accident injury in NJ.

What to Do Before Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer in New Jersey

It’s best to be thorough before hiring an attorney to represent you in your personal injury case. Remember, an NJ car accident lawyer is supposed to represent you and your interests. Don’t settle for anything less in your case.

Ask Questions

When you’re considering hiring an attorney, don’t be shy. During the consultation, ask questions. Being curious about their price, process, and success rate can help you determine whether they’re the right lawyer for you. Legal jargon can be hard to understand, so you should ask what certain phrases mean. The right lawyer should explain things so you can understand the process.

Follow Your Best Interests

Once you hire an attorney to represent you in a personal injury lawsuit, you’ll end up spending a lot of time together. Even cases that settle can take months to resolve. If your case goes to trial, it might be years before it’s heard by a judge. So, when looking for a lawyer, opt for a person who respects you. The right lawyer should be knowledgeable and helpful. They should be responsive to your questions and concerns. Don’t waste time and money on an attorney who isn’t invested in the outcome of your case. The right attorney should be transparent with you.

When you hire an attorney, it’s important to hand over any pertinent documents or records related to your case. That includes medical records, hospital bills, police reports, and relevant personal notes and journals. This can help your attorney build the best case they can.

How Long Does a Car Accident Case Take in NJ After Hiring a Lawyer?

A car accident injury case in New Jersey will often take months or even years to complete. This is measured from the day you file your case to the day you receive compensation. It takes time to file the case, deal with legal arguments, take depositions, and assemble the evidence for trial. The longer you wait to hire a Jersey City car accident lawyer, the longer this process takes overall.

Some parts of the case cannot be sped up. For instance, after you file your initial complaint with the court, the defense will have a few weeks to write up their response and file it with the court. There may also be scheduling issues that draw out a case.

One part you can control is how long you delay before talking to a lawyer. While the law in New Jersey might give you two years to file your case, you should contact a lawyer well before that deadline to prevent additional delays in your case.

Our Attorneys Can Help If You’ve Been Injured in a Car Accident in New Jersey

The experienced team at Legal Care New Jersey can fight to get you the financial compensation you deserve following injuries sustained during a car accident. Call the personal injury lawyers at Legal Care New Jersey today for a free consultation at (732) 838-9769.